I love them. Mornings like this. Crisp cool, a perfect autumn beginnings. I rode my bike over the bridge, some thing that is particularly special, 'cause I just got the bike and am rarely up and at 'em in the morning.
So much has transpired since last I was able to converse with you senor blog space as I will refer to you now.
It is interesting to write as often as possible. Many times I try to write and contemplate something that matters to me. But my brain tends to be rather cyclical in this department. I am always trying to make something happen and am generally about three steps behind. So i am trying to stay focused, amp myself up and work it. Then I sit down to write and realize I have the same thoughts propelling me forward. While what I want to write about are the little moments. The spaces in between, where I can find myself both in my life and outside of it as well.
The world gets crazier with every minute. It becomes even more important to find the space that sets you free. freedom is the ability to be yourself, and to explore into your definition of what that means. The world will only get more complicated, more of a confusing mess, and more violent. Why? We, as in the human race, have created this scene, predominantly dem whit-ees from Europe and the states. Take a long view. Like the martians in a Phillip K. Dick's story. Colonialism still exists under a new name. The boarders of Iraq were drawn up by England after WW1. We have no place in the middle east and yet we have involved ourselves in shaping their history for a hundred years. the mistakes of the generations before us cannot be erased.
I am not religious, and yet Jesus' words come to mind. "Forgive them, they know not what they do." Maybe there is a Father in there. But it is so true. Escalation in Hong Kong, to the point no one can back down. Another school shooting seemingly every month. In the center of all the violence in the middle east Israel brashly murders to display their might. Ebola runs rampant. Russia is on a mission to reinstate it's aggressive history. Global warming becomes more apparent as storms and droughts rage. And through it all our politicians become more racistly isolationist, power hungry, and just plain ineffectual.
My generation has inherited this world. I hope we will start to do something serious to attempt to set it right. I am not with great faith, but will continue to dream. And hopefully i can squeeze out some more beautiful mornings to tool around, wheels spinning, as the air flows over my face and into my heart.