Thursday, October 2, 2014

getting ready for first Thursday.

The morning starts with a dew drop. And I knew we had to pull on boot straps. As the concrete climbs around us, I look beyond. To the sky.
    I don't really say much. Even when I disagree with someone and feel like their words are rather stupid. I avoid arguments because when you engage someone to tell them where they are wrong, your ego gets involved. I have seen it countless times. Someone may know better, but the point of question is quickly lost, and the head to head collision of pride and knowledge turns ugly. My father is a theologian, my eldest brother decided he was atheist when he was six and I was two. I don't know if there is a god, I don't know if the CIA killed JFK or bombed the world trade center. The universe is a vast and marvelous place, with amble arguments to support many opinions. That is the nice thing. People all over the world have have vast and unintelligible views and beliefs. To me none of them are wrong. The only thing that is really wrong is when one idea or world view begins to dominate and create one system. I do not care that fast food chains make a killing stuffing americans with low grade food. I do get disappointed when I go to China and see their stores there, replacing traditional culture. I am fundamentally insulted anytime it is apparent people are putting profits above moral obligations.
   And yes, we know the difference between right and wrong. Right? Do the Koch brothers recognize the damage they are doing for profits. I think so. I think these greedy CEO's have created a competitive environment, where their resumés are lists of new ways to take advantage of people and the world. Are they evil, yes. Do they know it? Somewhere in there, but they surround themselves with like criminals. It happens in a lot of groups. I can be a racist bigot when I surround myself with other racist bigots. It is the history of the world. It is also one of the most important revolutions of the information age. That every thing we do and say, could possibly end up going viral, especially if we are recorded being offensive. Secrecy and transparency have have new meaning and depth.
     I feel like there is a good story in here somewhere. about people, congressmen or something getting screwed my misspoken words, and someone else, maybe someone in ISIS, knowing how to use these modern tools to their benefit.
    Tonight is first Thursday. My last in Portland for the year. I have built a silly little, or not so little art cart. Where I can wheel around my paintings and not have to pay the stupid fees for a cage on the street. It takes a little more to explain, but these parking spot spaces you rent from this art council is really a joke. You get all your stuff to sell together, and take it over there and then hock up fifty bucks for a spot. So the minute it starts you are desperate for a sale. And then everyone walks by you like a monkey in a zoo. A few may come by to look at a painting, but most do not want to engage. And once again you want to shoot your self in the face.

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